Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year and Everything!

Hi Everyone, Well, I have been a bit behind in blogging if you haven't noticed. We have so many exciting things that have happened and that are going on that I think it may take me a bit to catch you all up. Let's see, the 18th was my birthday! David took Great care of me. He had me open two of my gifts the night before which was awesome. He got me the flip video camera which I now carry everywhere with's so small it fits in my purse. I had been wanting a video camera to record Jaiden as she says and does the funniest things so now I Will be able to share that with you all. On my birthday he made an amazing dinner and my two best girlfriends and their sig. others came over and I think as a group we had about 6 bottles of wine...I have to say I had probably the best time I have had in a long time with or without the wine. I was also surprised with a new puppy!!!! We haven't gotten it yet, but are working on that as we speak. I am so excited and can't wait to share photos when we bring him home. So from there we spent the next evening with his family as Aunt Mel was in town. Nicci made my favorite cake and my favorite chicken tacos!!! I have to say it was really really awesome. We left the next morning for Wyoming to celebrate Christmas with my family. The 8 hour drive was not so bad. We did stop once and tried to sleep but couldn't. Jaiden got sick about 20 minutes from my parents, but other then that she was really good. The Holidays as usual flew by and it was so nice to be with my family and to share our traditions with David. Jaiden didn't really get into it too much. Once she saw her Dora bike that was it. Now that we are home if she sees the packages around here she will bring them to you and say "open it". David Ice fished with my dad and I think may have caught the most fish both days. I think they about blew off the lake the last day but overall he had a great time. Jaiden enjoyed playing with all the kids and loved to go outside on Papa's swing even when the temperature was below zero. I think one of her favorite things was my sister's dog Ruby. She was so fascinated with her and often found lying in Ruby's bed with her or trying to ride her. Ruby was so good with her. She is starting a new phase in her development which hasn't been the most fun but we are making it through. She does not like to share and throws herself on the floor when she doesn't get her way. With so many little ones around and 3 little girls it was cute to see their interaction when it was good but we have some work to do on the sharing end. She is starting to test the water a bit too when it comes to rules. We came back that Saturday and again Jaiden did very very well traveling, Thanks to Devin loaning us his DVD player! We celebrated New Years at Nicci's which was really nice! We left before midnight and ended up falling asleep to a movie.....Are we getting old or what? So now the wedding planning is on. I am just trying to piece everything together and finish the final details. I think I need a week off to just work on that stuff, but I know it will all come together. Oh and in all of that I started running again. I signed up to do a 1/2 marathon in March and need to get my stuff together fast. I ran 5 miles already so I figure I am closer then I was a few weeks ago. Hopefully that will help with the stress of everything else going on. I don't have any pictures as they are still on David's camera, but I will get them out in the next couple of days. I do hope everyone is well and will try harder to keep this up. Love Jodi