Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer Catch Up

Wow, It's been a very long time and there is so much to catch up on. We have had a very busy summer but it's been really great. Time is flying and fall is right around the corner. I keep thinking I am busy now, but come October I think it's going to be crazy! I at least am not going to have to throw work into the mix for at least 3 months after the baby is born so that will help a little. We started our summer out by taking a mini trip to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Kelley, David's little brother joined us and I think for the most part we all had a great time. Jaiden loved the beach and every morning would ask if we could go see the ocean for the day. She also became very brave on this trip. She would go out in the water up to her neck and just dive in. No fear on her part, but it about gave me a heart attack.
In July we started the month off with Fireworks and some of David's family from Texas visiting us. Jaiden thought the fireworks were so "Pretty". I would say "Oh wow, cool" and she would say "No mommy they are pretty!" Shortly after, David and her went on a trip to Wyoming and Montana in honor of his grandmother. It was the first time for me to be away from her over night and they didn't have cell service. Nothing like being completely being broke in right away. They had a great time and Jaiden loved playing with her cousins. She actually came back and had about 30 minutes where she had nothing to do with me. It was a heartbreaking, but the tables always turn and now she won't let anyone else put her to bed if I am around. I guess we all have our moments. We spent the next weekend celebrating Jon Erik's (David's youngest cousin from TX) birthday at the Renaissance Festival. It was very interesting and fun. Jaiden, Savannah, Acasha and I rode an elephant. The girls were a little intimidated to begin with and actually not very sure of what we were doing on this gigantic animal. Our last weekend in July my sister and her family spent the weekend with us. We spent one day at Waterwold which is always alot of fun! Jaiden loves to be in the water and go down some of the slides. She has so much fun with her cousins and it's so nice to have them around for her to play with.

In August, we traveled back to Wyoming to see my parents and family. My mom and dad hosted a wedding reception at their house which turned out to be really nice. We took David up into the area where I grew up camping and were able to show him a little of the area that can be accessed now. I thought we might get to do some fishing, but we left that day without the poles. The next 2 days we prepared for the event and on Saturday we got to see alot of my relatives and great friends. The only thing I wish differently would be to be able to visit more with more people there.....otherwise it was really nice...Thank you Mom and Dad! Jaiden and my niece Adelie spent a lot of time together while we were there which is good as we don't get to see her very often. She was alittle unsure about her uncle Chris, but the night before we left he was her best friend. Jaiden actually got up on the horse while we were there and loved it. She had been asking all summer long to ride a horse. I kept telling her we would get to ride one when we went to Grandma and Papa's house and once we got there she was so excited to go out and see them. We started her birthday celebration in Wyoming and continued it into the next weekend. It's so amazing how fast time flies. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. She has grown into this wonderful little girl with such a great mind and loving personality. I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and all she kept saying was a "Princess Cake and balloons" so easy to please at this age. Our weekend was packed full of events. It started off with her sleeping in her new room and "big girl" bed. We are so lucky, it was a very smooth transition. A few sleepless moments and a couple of crashes on the ground, but now we are completely converted. Her actual birthday day David and I both took off and spent the day with Jaiden. That evening David's family came over and we had dinner and cupcakes and she opened so many fun presents. On Saturday a few of her friends came over for a backyard pool party! She had so much fun, and it was great to get to see her interact with each one of them. Her dad caught her kissing one of the boys on her tower, I guess breaking him in early! The next day we celebrated Faith's birthday with another water party. I think the poor little thing was wasted by Sunday night, I know I was. She is so funny now too, when you bring up someone else's birthday she says "No it's my birthday." I guess everyday is her birthday.
We now are spending the rest of our summer time preparing for our newest addition. Jaiden is adamant we are naming him "Firework". Hopefully she doesn't know something we don't. David is crazy busy at work which can be a good and bad thing. I am crazy at work trying to get prepared for a 3 month break and then together we are trying to get the house done as much as possible. My belly and everything else for that matter continue to grow very large. I am measuring about a week ahead of schedule. The doctor states it could just mean I am going to have a large baby or I could go early...I like to think the later of the two. Early would be just fine with me. We will start preparing for Halloween too which is one of my favorite times of year! I asked Jaiden the other day what she wanted to be and of course after a few options I threw out she told me she wants to be a "Princess". I am excited to take her shopping and see what we come up with....I will keep you posted.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoy the photos. Someday I will get better at this. I started to blog last weekend, but it was coming up backwards so I had to start over. The pictures are in that order and most of them look a lot more blurry then the actual picture on the computer and I am really not sure why..,...Owell enjoy

Jaiden's favorite past time.....the slide

Making a wish!

See my Princess cake! She loved it

Playing in the pool

Her birthday present from Mom and Dad, which still needs to be set up all the way.

She has recently taken an interest in cooking. Her favorite thing to make you is Chocolate Milk

Playing with her new toys with her cousin Savannah

Blowing out her cupcake candles

She kept eating just the frosting then reaching out and grabbing a new cupcake

Her new pricess shoes from grandma and papa. She loves to wear these everywhere

She was more interested in trying on Adelie's shoes then opening her present
Jaiden, Adelie and Uncle Chris with one of our horses "Itch"

Trying to get a kiss from Itch. She loved touching them and wanted so bad to love on hi
Riding Itch with Adelie. I am so proud of her and how good she did with it

All of grandma and Papa's grandbabies: Jackson, Olivia, Jaiden, Carter and Adelie

Adelie and Jaiden in the willow tree. They had so much fun climbing in it.

Grandma, Adelie, Jaiden and Papa in the tree

The girls played and played on the swing set. Even Grandma and Papa went down the slide. The giggles coming from the girls were so cute as they pushed each one down the slide.

. On the Elephant

Kelley taking a try at the ladder.
Jon Erick taking a turn
Stephen (Pumkin Mumkin as Jaiden refers to him) trying the ladder
David taking a shot at it. None of them were successful but at least they tried.

Jaiden at the beach in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Her first time at the beach and she went in with all her clothes on. As you see Minnie Mouse went everywhere with her.