Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hogan and Jaiden

These were taken during one of our training sessions with David's iphone so they are a little blurry. She was very excited to see him. When he got hurt a couple weeks ago her and I had to take him to the vet. When the vet took him back she cried "I want my puppy!" I think at this point it's sort of a love hate relationship, but it's good.

It's been a longgggg time!

Below: Jaiden was having a tea party last night.Needless to say we had more tea on the counter then in the cup, but she was so cute to watch and so proper. She made sure and share with all of us and when Hacha showed up she was all about showing him her party set.

Below: Jaiden in her pool (Hogan has since ate the giraffe:( ) She was looking so stylish in her swim cover up!

Below: Her and Papa were racing up and down the yard. She was having a great time dragging him everywhere. Sorry about the finger print on the picture....I didn't catch it for a few pictures.

Happy Birthday Daddy and uncle Derek! We had a great poker party with with Acasha and then went to the Rio on their actual birthday.

Below: Jaiden and her cousins Jackson and Carter dying eggs. Jaiden ended up dying Jackson more then the eggs, but we all had a great time. Due to weather we had an Easter egg hunt in the house. Jaiden found eggs all week long that were left behind.

Sorry for those of you looking for pictures or updates. Life has been crazy at the King residence. We are all so busy just making it through our day, trying to get as much finished on the house, working, spending quality time together you know all those good things that a part of everyone's life. So here are a few of our updates and I hope all is well with everyone.
Jaiden is getting so big! She will be 2 in August and man is she a sassy sue! She has started speaking in full sentences and I am pretty sure we are starting to see some of the terrible 2's although she is not so terrible. She is now singing her full ABC's and counting to 10 which is pretty amazing. Everything we say she repeats which is not always the best. Especially when we are shopping at Hobby Lobby and she starts saying "Oh Sh** Oh Sh** at the top of her lungs. I think I about passed out. Last week she got her first bed and she was so excited. Her favorite stuffed animal is a minnie mouse a friend of mine bought her when she was a baby. When the bed arrived that morning she went and got minnie and whispered "Come see my new bed Minnie!" Now everyone who comes to the house gets to see it. She hasn't started sleeping in it yet, but hopefully soon. She is very interested in it, but the room really isn't set up. She has a huge heart too. Last night while playing she would not let me sit on her bed. I started the fake cry and she ran over to me and said "I kiss it better mommy" then she allowed me on her bed. She is totally a Daddy's girl. We had about 2 weeks in there where she wanted nothing to do with me which broke my heart. It has finally turned around and she is back to wanting just me to do certain things and just David to do certain things. All together in the last few months she has just become this little grown up girl. I just love her so much and have so much fun being around her and watching her grow.
Hogan is also getting to be a moose. We sent him away to a 3 week boot camp, and he is so much more enjoyable to be around. Jaiden also loves him and loves to get in his bed or in his crate with him. Her new favorite thing is to take his leash and drag him around (more like he drags her around) and give him commands. It's so cute and funny to watch. We have had a couple trips to the vet. One pretty serious which made us make some changes to the house. He almost cut his foot off on the edging around the yard...poor baby! As the vet said, "thankfully him and not Jaiden as he will heal a lot faster then she would" Everyday is a process and we have to work with him, but it's a lot better then before.
Work has really picked up for David thankfully! It was a little nerve racking there for a while. It's good but stressful for him. He has been busy helping me around the house trying to get lots done. I think our list continues to get longer and longer each week. He has done so many wonderful things for me around here and is a wonderful husband. Other then being crazy at work and at home he is doing really well.
I guess I follow in Jaiden and Hogan's shoes and just keep getting bigger and bigger! I have been alot more active this round of pregnancy, but those dang pounds just keep coming. We found out 2 weeks ago that the baby is definitly a boy. So all those cute girl clothes will have to go at least for now. We are excited and nervous all at the same time more about the adjustment of having 2 then anything. I am sure it will all go great. Work has gotten crazy for me as well. David and I booked a week vacation for next week which will be a nice getaway for all 3 of us. We are also heading back to Wyoming in July/Aug as my parents are throwing us a wedding reception. I am so looking forward to the trip home.
I am sure there is a ton more that has occured in the last few months, but of course when you wait that long to update everyone you tend to leave a bunch out. I hope you all enjoy the pictures. They are a mixture of events. My parents came out a few different times and this weekend Hacha has been staying with us as you can see in the pictures. Enjoy!