Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lots of News and Information

j Jaiden Helping her Daddy On our Snow Day

Daddy Builiding a tunnel for Hogan and Jaiden to play in (below)
Hogan enjoyed every bit of the snow (below) Our Big Family News!!! Coming in October
About 3 days prior to the snow day. We had put the sprinkler on the front lawn and Jaiden started running threw it in her clothes. I ran upstairs to change her and get her warm and the next thing I know she is running down the stairs with no clothes on saying "sprinkler, Run Now!" I put her little cover up on and let her play. I figured there was no harm and it was a beautiful day out. I know what to expect this summer!

Jaiden checking out the lizard at the zoo

Wow, it's been a long time. Things around here have been a little crazy and a little busy, but good. David has been traveling once or twice a week to their new Vail office and sometimes having to stay up there. I have been keeping busy at work not only doing a ton of admissions, but my Admissions Director is on Maternity leave which always makes things a little crazy. My mom and dad came and stayed with us for a few days which was really great! Jaiden especially loves to be spoiled by her grandparents and to have all the extra attention!!! Last weekend we had a Poker/casino night at our house to celebrate Acasha, David and Derek. It was a good time. I had never played poker before and the setting could not have been better. We had 2 tables going, the new to poker players and then the serious players......I would never make it a serious table. I am attaching a few pictures some of them old and some of them more recent. It has just been forever getting them off of my camera and to actually sit down in front of the computer. Hogan is adjusting to the family and we are to him. David still has a hard time breathing, but we are trying to figure all that out and hopefully soon for his sake. Jaiden loves Hogan....she runs around the house and yells at him to come on. She is fascinated with his tail at times and thinks it's funny to grab it. She also loves to share her food so he has been having to go outside during meals. She is growing up so quickly and is such a wonderful little girl. She has learned how to sing her ABC's the whole way through which is so cute. She had been singing them in sections and while my parents were here started singing the whole thing. Someday I will get one of the videos up of her. As usual, she cracks us up everyday. David and I were playing with her last night David said say "I love Daddy" and then I said say "I love Mommy" , Jaiden looked at both of us and with a smile said "I love Jaiden". It was so cute. Be sure to check out the picture of her. She has a sign making a huge announcement for our family!! One of these days I will figure out how to actually organize my pictures the way I want them on here. Owell, at least you get to see them. Also, our professional pictures are back. I emailed the link out, but was told by quite a few people they never received it. Here is the info you need below to access them if you want to take a look. It's www.kassidyphotography.com then go to "your photos" then click on Jodi and David and the password is Jodi. Enjoy and I hope everyone is doing well.